Institute for Learning and Research Technology

The Design and Implementation of the Redland RDF Application Framework

David Beckett
Institute for Learning and Research Technology
University of Bristol
8-10 Berkeley Square


Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a general description technology that can be applied to many application domains. Redland is a software library for RDF which implements a flexible framework that complements this power and provides a high-level interface allowing instances of the RDF model to be stored, queried and manipulated. Redland implements the model concepts using an object-based API and provides several of the classes as modules which can be added, removed or replaced to provide different functionality or application-specific optimisations. The framework also provides a core technology for developing new RDF applications that can experiment with implementation techniques, APIs and representation issues.

Keywords: RDF, metadata, application framework


This paper has been accepted for Tenth International World Wide Web Conference (WWW10) in Hong Kong and a revised version of it will be presented there.

See also the Redland home page.

Dave Beckett