Dave Beckett
Yahoo! Inc.
This talk is personal opinion. I am not speaking on behalf of Yahoo!
Slides presented using Slidy by Dave Raggett
A lightweight process to describe web content using short words called Tags
The Big Assumption: a tag is a primary key
Works well on events such as xtech
: Technorati, Planet XTech
geotagged geo:lat=123.456 geo:long=-123.45
celltagged cell:network=MyNetwork cell:mcc=300 cell:mnc=400 cell:lac=5000 cell:cellid=6000
bluetagged bt=001234abcdef
Ultimately, who cares?
Tags are vocabularies per service - tagonomies
Ask them? Not scalable.
Look it up in some authority? (dictionary, encyclopedia). Not distributable.
i.e. the usual human-entered metadata problems
tagtop 10 hits for raptor on yahoo search
top 10 hits for raptor on google search
Easy to create
Can record ambiguity and synonyms/prefered names
Microformat compatible:
Tag raptor links to http://en.wikitag.org/wiki/raptor
Edit this page to add the meaning you meant.
Discuss it if you don't understand the term
Add disambiguation
as much or as little as you want