Redland :
Free Software / Open Source RDF
This talk is personal opinion.
I am not speaking on behalf of my employer.
The slides are presented via
- RDF in a Box
- Redland
- APIs and Features
- Components and Modules
- Demos
What Is Redland?
Redland RDF
Application Framework
Set of Libraries
Redland is a set of mature RDF open source libraries written in C
providing a foundation layer of technology for semantic web
applications with language bindings to Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby and others.
Vision: RDF "in a box" for developers
- Reliable, portable, flexible, ...ible
- Fast, efficient, small, ...
- Easy to use and program with
- Available in (insert your favourite language here)
- Web standards compliant
- Easy to use license
Aiming for: lowest possible barrier to using RDF technology
RDF in a box — Two Key Requirements
- Available (Portable) to your system
- Available in your programming language
Key Requirement 1 — Portable
- Answer: C
- Riposte: You are crazy, man!
- GNU autotools and libtool
gcc -W
g++ as a stricter C compiler
- Memory leak/overflow checkers such as
, dmalloc
- Unit tests, graph tests, parsing/serializing syntax tests, query tests
Key Requirement 2 — Language Availability
Other Important Requirements
- Fast
- Small
- Not creating functionality in advance of needing it
- Modular
- Use whatever system functionality is available or select at build
- Embeddable
- Can be linked into a low-memory system for e.g. phones
- Configurable
- GNU autotools to configure modules and parts
- Minimal dpendencies
- Just an XML parser (if you do not want to read URIs)
- Memory use
- No leaks, overflows. Handles low memory use (embedded)
- Web standards compliant
- Friendly licence(s)
- LGPL 2.1+ / GPL 2.1+ / Apache 2+
Redland from Semantic Web @Bristol
The name: Redland is an area of Bristol, UK
Not Redlands, Los Angeles or Redland, Florida or ...
FOAF, RDQL and Turtle were created here.
5 RDF W3C Recommendation editors work(ed) here.
Jena Java Semantic Web toolkit was created here at HP Labs.
(Actually Jena was created the same month as Redland, June 2000).
... and I lived there, at the time working at the
Institute for Learning and Research Technology,
University of Bristol
Semantic Web Stack
Tim Berners-Lee 2005
#include <stdweb.h>
stdrdf |
stdxml |
stduri |
Redland Scope in Semantic Web Stack
What you get in the Redland box
- RDF Input and Output to/from syntaxes (Raptor):
RDF/XML, N-Triples, Turtle, RSS 1.0, RSS tag soup, Atom
- RDF triple stores (Redland):
Simple & Indexed Memory, File, URI, Sleepycat/BDB, MySQL, SQLite, (Virtuoso)
- RDF API for data access and manipulation (Redland):
Graph and Triple APIs
- Language bindings (Bindings)
NOTE: Not all of the above are supported and maintained
- Query languages and query engine (Rasqal):
- Command line utilities for RDF with Unix filters:
rdfproc (RDF), rapper (parsing) and roqet (query)
API Style — Object-based C
- Object-based not Object-Orientated (OO)
- Constructors, destructors and methods reflected into C functions
librdf_foo* librdf_new_foo(void);
void librdf_free_foo(librdf_foo* foo);
int librdf_foo_set_thing(librdf_foo* foo, char *thing);
char *librdf_foo_get_thing(librdf_foo* foo);
- No garbage collecting at C level. Bindings handle this.
- Classes and factories for multiple implemenations
librdf_storage* a=librdf_new_storage("memory", ...);
librdf_storage* b=librdf_new_storage("uri", ...);
Data flow and constructs
- Application initiates actions
- Lazy evaluation during parsing and querying
- No
loops in the code (except query engine)
- Iterators for operating over sequences of objects, results rows
Map to Perl @array
, Python generators, C# Iterator ...
- (Low-level parser API generates triples via callbacks)
Redland Documentation
- Detailed release notes, installation documentation, API reference
manuals for each library
- Comprehensive tutorial for Raptor
- Manual pages for each command utility
- Language bindings installation documentation for each language plus
POD for Perl; PyDoc for Python and RDoc for Ruby
- Missing: Redland and Rasqal Tutorials
- Missing: Redland Book
Web development language bindings
Expectation is to use libraries with one line of code
$ python
Python 2.5.4 (r254:67916, Feb 17 2009, 20:16:45)
[GCC 4.3.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
<<< import RDF
Or none:
$ perl -MRDF::Redland '...'
You can always use the command line:
$ rdfproc
Redland RDF processor utility 1.0.9
Copyright 2000-2008 David Beckett. Copyright 2000-2005 University of Bristol
Try `rdfproc --help' for more information.
More of which shortly...
RDF Graph Query
- SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language
- A Query Language ...
Find names and websites of contributors to PlanetRDF:
PREFIX foaf: <>
SELECT ?name ?website
WHERE { ?person foaf:weblog ?website ;
foaf:name ?name .
?website a foaf:Document
- ... and a Protocol
&query=PREFIX foaf: <
- Run this query (example.rq)
- Also supports RDQL, the pre-standardisation deployed language
Demos Part 1 — Parsing in Raptor
Parsing in raptor
# online: count triples
$ rapper -c
# online: get triples from home page
$ rapper -g -q -o turtle
# online: What was it doing?
$ rapper -g -q -c --trace
# offline: parse the slides
$ rapper -g -q -o turtle index.html
# offline: what just happened?
rapper -g -c --trace index.html
rapper parsing — What just happened?
roqet querying — What just happened?
Get Redland
- Source!
- debs for libraries and supported bindings
- Linux: Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, SUSE, ... and several others
- BSD ports
- Gentoo Linux emerge ports
- OSX Objective-C packages (3rd party)
- Used with some commercial applications
- Win32: not available (need help)
- Perl CPAN: old versions. Use newer versions from source/packages
Ongoing Work
- Rasqal new query engine
- Rasqal 1.0: Complete SPARQL support
- Raptor about a year's worth of bug fixes
- Raptor 2.0: API break and improvement
- Redland Virtuoso store
- Bindings nothing much
- ...
For anything else, I prefer patches in diff -urN
form :)
Emergency Command Line Results
$ rapper -c
rapper: Parsing URI with parser rdfxml
rapper: Serializing with serializer ntriples
rapper: Parsing returned 40 triples
$ rapper -g -q -o turtle
results: home.ttl
$ rapper -g -q -c --trace
rapper: Processing URI
rapper: Processing URI
rapper: Processing URI
rapper: Processing URI
$ rapper -g -c --trace index.html
rapper: Parsing URI file:///Users/dajobe/websites/ with parser guess
rapper: Serializing with serializer ntriples
rapper: Processing URI file:///Users/dajobe/websites/
rapper: Guessed parser name 'guess'
rapper: Parsing returned 56 triples