Connecting XML, RDF and Web Technologies for Representing Knowledge on the Semantic Web

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Table of Contents

Connecting XML, RDF and Web Technologies for Representing Knowledge on the Semantic Web


Representing Knowledge for who/what?

HTML - The Web of Markup

Semantic Web - The Web of Data

Types of Web Data

Extensible Markup Language (XML) overview

XML - Extensibility

Resource Description Framework (RDF) overview

W3C Semantic Web Standards Activity

W3C RDF Core Working Drafts

RDF - Extensibility

Schema Languages

XML Schema Languages

RDF Schema Languages 1

RDF Schema Languages 2


Topic Maps

Summary - XML

Summary - RDF

Summary - Topic Maps


Further Reading


This document

Author: Dave Beckett
Home Page:

(JavaScript slide viewer by Paul Hollands, Institute for Learning and Research Technology, University of Bristol)